Here's a whole boatload of photos from last week's 6th Annual VES Awards. (Make sure you read the first article, "VES Awards: ILM Sweeps.") Teams from Industrial Light & Magic won six awards; four for "Transformers" and two for "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End."
Accepting the award for Outstanding Compositing in a Feature film is the "Transformers" team, represented by Pat Tubach, Todd Vaziri, Mike Conte, and Beth D'Amato.
"Transformers" compositing supervisor Pat Tubach.
"Transformers" sequence supervisor Todd Vaziri.
"Transformers" sequence supervisor Mike Conte. "Transformers" roto/paint supervisor Beth D'Amato, Pat Tubach, Todd Vaziri and Mike Conte.
The statuette is strong enough to support my giant head.
Presenter John Knoll starts off the show with a fabricated story about working with Steven Spielberg. He left the stage with his pants on fire.
Accepting the award for Outstanding Animated Character in a Feature Film is the Davy Jones team from "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End": Hal Hickel, Maia Kayser, Marc Chu and Jakup Pistecky. The award was presented by "Transformers" director Michael Bay.
The ILM/Kerner team from "Transformers" accepting the award for Outstanding Models and Miniatures in a Feature Film: Dave Fogler, Brian Gernand, Alex Jaeger and Ron Woodall.
This shot from the desert highway sequence from "Transformers" won the award for Best Single Visual Effect of the year.
Shawn Kelly, animator extraordinaire, accepting the award.
Accepting the Best Single Visual Effect of the Year award, the brilliant Mike Jamieson (who lit and composited the shot), Scott Farrar, Shari Hanson, and Shawn Kelly.
Now they're being silly.
Our visual effects supervisor, Scott Farrar, accepting the award for Best Visual Effects for "Transformers."
Our visual effects producer, Shari Hanson, accepting the award for Best Visual Effects for "Transformers."
Our animation supervisor, Scott Benza, accepting the award for Best Visual Effects for "Transformers." Associate visual effects supervisor Russell Earl joins Shari, Scott, and Scott.
Benza looks like he's all-too-familiar with that pose.
"Transformers" director Michael Bay. Insert your own caption.
Visual effects wizard Dennis Muren attempts to conjure up some movie magic, right there on the podium.
If so, use this ballot I created for my Oscar party. It allows you to predict the winner of every single category, and is based on the printable ballot -- but on my ballot, each category has a different point value. The highest valued category is "Best Picture," while the mainstream films' categories are valued at two points. The non-mainstream categories (like the documentary and short film categories) are valued at one point.
This way, in a tight race for the winner, the winner most likely would not be determined by the non-mainstream films (i.e., blind guesses).
That's me, hangin' onto the VES Award for Outstanding Compositing in a Motion Picture.
This weekend, ILM cleaned up at the 6th Annual VES Awards, which took place in the Kodak Theater Ballroom in Hollywood. "Transformers" took home four awards, and "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" garnered two awards.
It was a terrific night for visual effects fans. Steven Spielberg was honored with a lifetime achievement award, presented by Dennis Muren, and award presenters included Brad Bird, John Knoll, Michael Bay, "Transformers" star Megan Fox, Douglas Trumbull, Harrison Ellenshaw, and many more. There that night were other legends of visual effects having fun, like Ken Ralston, Richard Edlund, Jim Morris. Best of all, I had the opportunity to catch up with a lot of old friends that I worked with in Los Angeles, like my mentor and friend Van Ling, my Pixel Magic cohorts George Macri and Ray Scalice, Reid Paul, Bonnie Kanner, Johnathan Banta, and all the ILM'ers and... boy, it was a dizzying night! And it was over too soon.
Here we are accepting our award for Outstanding Compositing in a Motion Picture for "Transformers": compositing supervisor Pat Tubach, sequence supervisors Todd Vaziri and Mike Conte, and roto/paint supervisor Beth D'Amato.
Working on "Transformers" was an amazing opportunity for me, and a genuine honor to have been working side by side with such a great team at ILM. Big kudos go out to visual effects supervisor Scott Farrar and the brilliant visual effects producer Shari Hanson for putting together a magnificent team and for setting just the right tone for this immense project.
The complete list of the "Transformers" wins:
Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects Driven Motion Picture TRANSFORMERS Scott Farrar, Shari Hanson, Russel Earl, Scott Benza
Best Single Visual Effect of the Year TRANSFORMERS - Desert Highway Sequence Scott Farrar, Shari Hanson, Shawn Kelly, Michael Jamieson
Outstanding Models or Miniatures in a Motion Picture TRANSFORMERS Dave Fogler , Ron Woodall , Alex Jaeger, Brian Gernand
Outstanding Compositing in a Motion Picture TRANSFORMERS Pat Tubach , Beth D’Amato , Todd Vaziri , Mike Conte