A blogtacular blog filled with words, images, and whipped cream on top. Written by Todd Vaziri.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
"Iron Man 2" Trailer
The newest trailer for Jon Favreau's "Iron Man 2" has been released, and you can find it here, named Trailer 2. The movie comes out in theaters on May 7.
And here are some sample images from the trailer chosen by the brand new Randomizer '010™ software, featuring ArbitraryBoost vX.
Excellent work again, as is the norm these days. When it comes to hard surface objects I just can't tell what's cg and what's practical anymore. It's a testement to the artists and the tools available now, but part of me misses the days when fx looked noticable as fx. There was a magic to them, I could spend hours rewatching them, breaking them apart to try to tell how it was done. But I do enjoy the new standard and look forward to when organic characters and fluids look just as real.
How does the predictanator manage with future projects, based on the little information we have to apply to it? Can it predict that Tron Legacy will win for this year?
@ Carlknibb: I realize that many visual effects films have yet to come out this year, I was just joking around that Todd should get started on it early, to get a head-start. ;) And hey, a little information is better than *no* information. ;)
And there's no WAY "Tron Legacy" will win the Oscar! It's all "Iron Man 2", baby! :D I'm kidding. I'd say both have an even chance of getting nominated.
I agree with you. Robots, machines and other hard-surface textured objects (like "Iron Man", "Transformers", the AMP suits in "Avatar", "Terminator Salvation", etc.) are getting more and more realistic with every film that comes out. "Transformers" (2007) really set the bar extremely high for this, and the sequel only improved upon it. Can't tell what's real/practical and what's simply pixels moved around by an animator these days. ;)
The one film that I think will forever stand the test of time for photorealistic organic creature animation is "Jurassic Park". Heck, made 17 years ago and it *still* holds up to other character animation today. And while CG water is difficult, I'd say we've seen the best there is to offer (as of now) as displayed in "2012". Superb work.
@ vfx fan: I've been wondering myself what Double Negative will be undertaking in this film. I'm guessing a minor sequence or two and maybe a few shots here and there, whilst ILM handles the majority of the visual effects.
I'm not sure if they'll be doing the Whiplash's 'whiplash' effects, seeing as how they'd have to physical interact with ILM's Iron Man porto-briefcase-suit. (I'm not sure how easy or difficult it is for two different companies' work to interact with each other, so, I could be wrong.) That is, unless Double Negative is creating the porto-briefcase-suit? If this is the case, if they're doing that much of the scene, they might as well do the crowd extensions, CG racecars, etc., and complete the entire sequence themselves. But, these are just my insane guesses based on no proof whatsoever. All just speculation for now. Guess we'll have to wait and find out. :)
I was being serious about the predictanator Tyler. If it was given data about this years vfx films would it predict the winner on this small amount of info? I don't see anything but Tron winning I'm afraid. Photoreal cg human work and the current fad of 3d.
Fluids are getting better all the time, ILM's fire dynamics on Avatar were amazingly real. It's when a surface body of water breaks up that it loses creditability for me, Scanline in particular have a very "stylized" look that is easy to spot.
I would have guessed that Dneg are doing similar work to the Orphanage on Iron Man, helmet vision and the like. I hope all the big stuff is ILM as it looks great. Besides, Dneg have enough work of their own on other films to be nicking ILM shots. They seem to work on almost everything these days, it's just greedy!!
@ shanep : Well, to be honest, I've really got no clue as to what exactly the "Randomizer"-thingamajig is, other than a screen-capture program, hence the reason I inquired. (Did Todd trademark it himself or something? Am I missing something?) I checked IMBD, but it doesn't have "Iron Man 2" up on his page yet, if he is indeed working on it. Once again, simply an honest question from a curious person. :)
@ Carlknibb : Oh yeah! I completely forgot that The Orphanage isn't working on "Iron Man 2". You're probably right, Double Negative is most likely doing the smaller effects scenes, like the HUD effects, etc. Double Negative seems to be getting a lot of work these days indeed. They have and are creating some great work after all.
-Water seems to be something that will be always be difficult to achieve photo-realistically for the foreseeable future of visual effects. There's just something about it that makes it a tremendous task to undertake (lighting, particle simulation, etc.). Weta Digital's CG water in "King Kong" (2005) was pretty good at the time (in my opinion), despite some shots that seemed rough, though. The rushing river in "Avatar" was also very well done, especially the interaction with Jake's CG clothes.
And the more I think about it, the more I realize that "Tron Legacy" has a very good chance at winning the Oscar, or at the very least, being a very entertaining VFX film. I wouldn't mind it winning the Oscar; giving those Digital Domain supervisors some more awards and all. ;)
Either way, I'm pumped to see who will take home the Oscar for 2010 films. *sighs* Only 11 more months! WOOT! ;)
Wouldn't it be strange if every frame picked by the Randomizer software was a shot of mine? I'm not saying that's the case, but wouldn't that be cool? ;)
ehi todd, i saw the movie two days ago , amazing work from all the companies involved. i found only a bit weak the animation during the party fight scene. now a question: during the final battle, in the garden, do don cheadle and robert downey jr wear any pratical armor? the work is so good that is impossible to tell. thanks in advance.
michaelB said... now a question: during the final battle, in the garden, do don cheadle and robert downey jr wear any pratical armor? the work is so good that is impossible to tell.
Thanks, Michael. I'm glad you liked the movie. Unfortunately, I cannot talk about what was practical and what was CG. I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about after the Cinefex article is published. So keep your eye out for that issue. -todd
As for which facility did which characters, you'll have to wait for the Cinefex article. Unfortunately, I cannot comment on who did what, at this point. But I'd like to address one comment:
Carlknibb said... I hope all the big stuff is ILM as it looks great. Besides, Dneg have enough work of their own on other films to be nicking ILM shots. They seem to work on almost everything these days, it's just greedy!!
Nobody 'nicked' anyone's shots on this film. And, by the way, everything that I've seen so far from the gang at Double Negative looks fantastic.
To my defence it was meant to be slightly humorous and not attacking Dneg in any way. Guess my british humour doesn't always travel.
Saw the movie yesterday, great fun if a little messy in the telling. excellent vfx work from all involved, loved the drones. I agree with you michaelB, it's impossible to tell what's practical or cg on the suits in the end battle. However there is an interview with Ben Snow out there where he states that War Machine is entirely cg for the film. Dneg did the suitcase suit and did it wonderfully. Would like to know who did the failed foreign suits in the brief clip at the hearing, very funny.
Great work from all involved. Were any of the shots with Tony Stark at the party (before his fight between War Machine) or the part with him sitting in the donut and talking to Nick Fury CG or was that all practical?
vfx fan: i'm sure the legs and part of the arms are covered with cg in the donut scene: i saw around the web a picture of RDJ wearing a mocap suit while sitting in the middle of the giant donut. in the party scene i don't know: but i remember that in the first movie the practical suit was so bulky that rober downey barely was able to move, while in the party scene he looks very agile and quick. so i'm assuming that some bits of the suit were cg even there.
Well if his suit in the party scene was not just a costume then I'll be really impressed. I love shots that fool me like that.
Yeah, come to think of it, I remember a still of the crew doing plate photography for the donut shot (nothing was in the donut in this image), so it had to be a composite at the very least.
Amazing. Simply amazing. I was so jazzed to see the trailer, and I was not disappointed.
Get your 'Predictanator' out, Todd, let's see how well "Iron Man 2" will fare!
I can already see a visual effects Academy Award nomination for this. Heck, maybe even the award itself!
Are you working on the film, Todd?
Excellent work again, as is the norm these days. When it comes to hard surface objects I just can't tell what's cg and what's practical anymore. It's a testement to the artists and the tools available now, but part of me misses the days when fx looked noticable as fx. There was a magic to them, I could spend hours rewatching them, breaking them apart to try to tell how it was done. But I do enjoy the new standard and look forward to when organic characters and fluids look just as real.
How does the predictanator manage with future projects, based on the little information we have to apply to it? Can it predict that Tron Legacy will win for this year?
@ Carlknibb: I realize that many visual effects films have yet to come out this year, I was just joking around that Todd should get started on it early, to get a head-start. ;) And hey, a little information is better than *no* information. ;)
And there's no WAY "Tron Legacy" will win the Oscar! It's all "Iron Man 2", baby! :D I'm kidding. I'd say both have an even chance of getting nominated.
I agree with you. Robots, machines and other hard-surface textured objects (like "Iron Man", "Transformers", the AMP suits in "Avatar", "Terminator Salvation", etc.) are getting more and more realistic with every film that comes out. "Transformers" (2007) really set the bar extremely high for this, and the sequel only improved upon it. Can't tell what's real/practical and what's simply pixels moved around by an animator these days. ;)
The one film that I think will forever stand the test of time for photorealistic organic creature animation is "Jurassic Park". Heck, made 17 years ago and it *still* holds up to other character animation today. And while CG water is difficult, I'd say we've seen the best there is to offer (as of now) as displayed in "2012". Superb work.
I'm gonna guess that Dneg is handling Whiplash?
@ vfx fan: I've been wondering myself what Double Negative will be undertaking in this film. I'm guessing a minor sequence or two and maybe a few shots here and there, whilst ILM handles the majority of the visual effects.
I'm not sure if they'll be doing the Whiplash's 'whiplash' effects, seeing as how they'd have to physical interact with ILM's Iron Man porto-briefcase-suit. (I'm not sure how easy or difficult it is for two different companies' work to interact with each other, so, I could be wrong.) That is, unless Double Negative is creating the porto-briefcase-suit? If this is the case, if they're doing that much of the scene, they might as well do the crowd extensions, CG racecars, etc., and complete the entire sequence themselves. But, these are just my insane guesses based on no proof whatsoever. All just speculation for now. Guess we'll have to wait and find out. :)
Can't wait to watch it, expecially for the vfx (and for Scarlett)!
I was being serious about the predictanator Tyler. If it was given data about this years vfx films would it predict the winner on this small amount of info? I don't see anything but Tron winning I'm afraid. Photoreal cg human work and the current fad of 3d.
Fluids are getting better all the time, ILM's fire dynamics on Avatar were amazingly real. It's when a surface body of water breaks up that it loses creditability for me, Scanline in particular have a very "stylized" look that is easy to spot.
I would have guessed that Dneg are doing similar work to the Orphanage on Iron Man, helmet vision and the like. I hope all the big stuff is ILM as it looks great. Besides, Dneg have enough work of their own on other films to be nicking ILM shots. They seem to work on almost everything these days, it's just greedy!!
Tyler, is Todd working on Iron Man 2?
Think of the name of the software Arbitrary Boost Randomizer.
@ shanep : Well, to be honest, I've really got no clue as to what exactly the "Randomizer"-thingamajig is, other than a screen-capture program, hence the reason I inquired. (Did Todd trademark it himself or something? Am I missing something?) I checked IMBD, but it doesn't have "Iron Man 2" up on his page yet, if he is indeed working on it. Once again, simply an honest question from a curious person. :)
@ Carlknibb : Oh yeah! I completely forgot that The Orphanage isn't working on "Iron Man 2". You're probably right, Double Negative is most likely doing the smaller effects scenes, like the HUD effects, etc. Double Negative seems to be getting a lot of work these days indeed. They have and are creating some great work after all.
-Water seems to be something that will be always be difficult to achieve photo-realistically for the foreseeable future of visual effects. There's just something about it that makes it a tremendous task to undertake (lighting, particle simulation, etc.). Weta Digital's CG water in "King Kong" (2005) was pretty good at the time (in my opinion), despite some shots that seemed rough, though. The rushing river in "Avatar" was also very well done, especially the interaction with Jake's CG clothes.
And the more I think about it, the more I realize that "Tron Legacy" has a very good chance at winning the Oscar, or at the very least, being a very entertaining VFX film. I wouldn't mind it winning the Oscar; giving those Digital Domain supervisors some more awards and all. ;)
Either way, I'm pumped to see who will take home the Oscar for 2010 films. *sighs* Only 11 more months! WOOT! ;)
*and generating random numbers that in turn generate random images on the trailers that he posts and stuff. :) ...Randomly.
Wouldn't it be strange if every frame picked by the Randomizer software was a shot of mine? I'm not saying that's the case, but wouldn't that be cool? ;)
That would be strange, yes, Todd. You know, if that were indeed the case...hypothetically...
O.O *Now* it's starting to come together for me... ;)
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workfrom home
ehi todd, i saw the movie two days ago , amazing work from all the companies involved. i found only a bit weak the animation during the party fight scene. now a question: during the final battle, in the garden, do don cheadle and robert downey jr wear any pratical armor? the work is so good that is impossible to tell. thanks in advance.
michaelB said...
now a question: during the final battle, in the garden, do don cheadle and robert downey jr wear any pratical armor? the work is so good that is impossible to tell.
Thanks, Michael. I'm glad you liked the movie. Unfortunately, I cannot talk about what was practical and what was CG. I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about after the Cinefex article is published. So keep your eye out for that issue. -todd
As for which facility did which characters, you'll have to wait for the Cinefex article. Unfortunately, I cannot comment on who did what, at this point. But I'd like to address one comment:
Carlknibb said...
I hope all the big stuff is ILM as it looks great. Besides, Dneg have enough work of their own on other films to be nicking ILM shots. They seem to work on almost everything these days, it's just greedy!!
Nobody 'nicked' anyone's shots on this film. And, by the way, everything that I've seen so far from the gang at Double Negative looks fantastic.
To my defence it was meant to be slightly humorous and not attacking Dneg in any way. Guess my british humour doesn't always travel.
Saw the movie yesterday, great fun if a little messy in the telling. excellent vfx work from all involved, loved the drones. I agree with you michaelB, it's impossible to tell what's practical or cg on the suits in the end battle. However there is an interview with Ben Snow out there where he states that War Machine is entirely cg for the film. Dneg did the suitcase suit and did it wonderfully. Would like to know who did the failed foreign suits in the brief clip at the hearing, very funny.
Anyway, congrats to all involved, top work.
Great work from all involved. Were any of the shots with Tony Stark at the party (before his fight between War Machine) or the part with him sitting in the donut and talking to Nick Fury CG or was that all practical?
vfx fan: i'm sure the legs and part of the arms are covered with cg in the donut scene: i saw around the web a picture of RDJ wearing a mocap suit while sitting in the middle of the giant donut. in the party scene i don't know: but i remember that in the first movie the practical suit was so bulky that rober downey barely was able to move, while in the party scene he looks very agile and quick. so i'm assuming that some bits of the suit were cg even there.
Well if his suit in the party scene was not just a costume then I'll be really impressed. I love shots that fool me like that.
Yeah, come to think of it, I remember a still of the crew doing plate photography for the donut shot (nothing was in the donut in this image), so it had to be a composite at the very least.
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