Monday, December 21, 2009
"Transformers 2" and the Tomatometer
Update, January 11, 2009 - "Avatar" has surpassed "Transformers 2." Read more here.
Happy end-of-2009! 2009 will be remembered as the year we saw "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" earn $402 million at the North American box office (and $834 million globally)!
Putting those $402 million into context: "Transformers 2" was the highest grossing film of the year! And it wasn't even close! The #2 grosser was "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," with over $100 million less in earnings!
I thought it would be fun to chart the box office champions of the last 29 years against their Tomatometer rating, an aggregate of the critical consensus of the film! So I did it! And, boy, it was fun!
Wow! That's enlightening! An updated chart is here.
(Why all the exclamation points, you ask? Obviously, this post was meant to be a reflection of the spirit of "Transformers 2," which is the cinematic equivalent of an exclamation point!)
Friday, December 18, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Cinematography of "Let The Right One In," Part 2
Images may contain minor spoilers.

The List of 15, 82nd Academy Awards

- Angels & Demons
- Avatar
- Coraline
- Disney’s A Christmas Carol
- District 9
- G-Force
- G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- Sherlock Holmes
- Star Trek
- Terminator Salvation
- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
- 2012
- Watchmen
- Where the Wild Things Are
I'm very proud to have contributed to the visual effects for three films on this list: "Star Trek," "Avatar" and "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen," while at Industrial Light & Magic.

Friday, November 20, 2009
James Cameron's "Avatar" Trailer

View the trailer here.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Cinematography of "Let The Right One In," Part 1

We'll present two posts on the cinematography of "Let The Right One In." In this post, we'll examine the geometric shapes formed within the images, and illustrating how the camerawork and production design work together to give the film a distinctive look. In the second post, we'll feature a few, simply cool images.

Alfredson, Hoytema and production designer Eva Noren use everyday objects to highlight this geometric precision. The window frames of Oskar's apartment building is used to great effect, along with the tiny jungle gym in the building's snowy yard (where we meet the mysterious Eli for the first time). Even props like the Rubik's Cube Oskar gives to Eli help drive home the visual theme.

American Cinematographer Online has a short article about the film here, called "An Unusual Romance," from December 2008.
Images may contain minor spoilers.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Twins on TV!

I wrote about her before, when her book debuted a few weeks ago. Well, were she is, promoting her book "Raising Twins: From Pregnancy to Preschool" on WGN News with Allison Payne.
Way to go, Shelly!
Thursday, October 01, 2009

The book is published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, which kinda indicates that she knows what she's talking about. She even has a blog called "A Pediatrician Mom of Twins," which features even more advice on having fun with your twins, and also features some of her mentions and interviews in, you know, obscure outlets like The New York Times.
I am so incredibly proud of my sister. You go, girl, indeed.
From the page:
About the Author: Shelly Vaziri Flais, MD, FAAP, is a board-certified pediatrician, a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the mother of four children, including a set of twins. She has contributed to Chicago Parent, Healthy Children, and Twins magazines.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
James Cameron's "Avatar" Teaser

update: Please read the new FXRant post, "'Avatar' and ILM" to learn more about ILM's work on the film.
Looking back at the last few posts, it seems like I nearly leapfrogged over an entire production on which I worked. It's almost as if "Transformers 2" didn't even happen, as if it is being erased from our collective consciousness. Huh. Imagine that.
Anywhoo, the highly anticipated teaser for James Cameron's "Avatar" is now available online. And the image above was chosen by the Randomizer 2009™ software, featuring ArbitraryBoost 3.0.
View the teaser here.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
This is the Sports Report!
Friday, June 05, 2009
Colbert Character Breaks
Camera Confusion

The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Saudi Arabia Press Restrictions | |||| | ||||
Monday, May 25, 2009
A Summer of Sequels

- Fast and Furious (sequel)
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine (sequel)
- Star Trek (reboot/sequel)
- Angels and Demons (sequel/based on novel)
- Land of the Lost (based on television show)
- Night at the Museum: Battle at the Smithsonian (sequel)
- Terminator: Salvation (sequel)
- The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (remake)
- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (sequel/based on toy)
- Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (sequel)
- Bruno (based on television character)
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (sequel/based on novel)
- Julie and Julia (based on article)
- G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (based on television show)
- The Final Destination (sequel)
- H2 - Halloween 2 (sequel of a remake)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Post Magazine: "Star Trek" Returns

The article includes mentions and quotes from visual effects supervisor Roger Guyett, co-supervisor Russell Earl, animation supervisor Paul Kavanagh, digital production supervisor Michael DiComo, CG supervisor Tom Fejes, compositing supervisor Eddie Pasquarello, paint supervisor Beth D'Amato, and sequence supervisors Greg Salter, Mark Nettleton, David Weitzberg, Raul Essig, Conny Fauser, Jay Cooper, Francois Lambert, and Todd Vaziri.
Here's an excerpt from the article:
J.J. Abrams and DP Daniel Mindel shot Star Trek with an anamorphic lens... and if there's the sun or a star in the corner of a synthetic ILM shot — or when the Enterprise passes in a beauty shot and its lights strike the virtual lens — the compositors have to replicate all the complexities of light dancing across such a lens. "There are all these different layers to the lens flare that we have to replicate digitally," DiComo says.
ILM's Todd Vaziri analyzed what anamorphic lenses do and all their different properties so they could be used in simulated shots and they call the resulting program "Sunspot." Vaziri was a sequence supervisor whose job was to overlook all the sequences and make sure that ILM's shots were "correct to the film" — that they matched. "He takes great, great pains and it shows," says [compositing supervisor Eddie] Pasquarello. "That was one of our compositing coups that I feel made a difference here — finishing touches that help our shots blend with the live action that J.J. gave us."
Click here to see the full credits for J.J. Abrams' "Star Trek."
Friday, May 08, 2009
"Star Trek" Fun

Here's an excerpt from a Gizmodo article titled, 'J.J. Abrams Admits Star Trek Lens Flares Are "Ridiculous"'
I'm curious to hear more about why you decided to use so many lens flares, and exactly when you decided to use them?
[Smiles] I don't know what you're talking about. [Laughs] I'm kidding. I know what you're saying with the lens flares. It was one of those things... I wanted a visual system that felt unique. I know there are certain shots where even I watch and think, "Oh that's ridiculous, that was too many." But I love the idea that the future was so bright it couldn't be contained in the frame.

(To learn more about the lens flares from "Star Trek," click here and here.)
Here's a clever video that mixes the "Star Trek" and "Star Wars" worlds, from titled "Starship Enterprise Destroyed by the Death Star."
Another clever video, bringing the original series visually up-to-date with J.J. Abrams' film, from YouTube user 'partmor':
Finally, a hilarious video (that requires multiple viewings) from The Onion, with the headline, "Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film as 'Fun, Watchable.'"
Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As 'Fun, Watchable'
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Movie Marketing is Hard! "True Blood" and "Jennifer's Body"

The posters are essentially dead ringers for one another, with the slight exception of one storytelling element: the "True Blood" poster features a subtle vampire fang, while "Jennifer's Body" has no such fang (since the film is about cannibalism, not vampires). But the similarities in overall composition, framing, color scheme, the heavy lipstick, tongue lick and blood drip are groanworthy.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Millimeter Magzine: Back On Trek

We used flares in "Star Trek" as a storytelling device in a way that has never been done before. The great thing is that J.J., Roger and I were on the same visual wavelength in terms of how, when and why to create the flaring aberrations in the film. The flares give the film a unique flavor of spontaneity and intensity, paradoxically giving the film a documentary-style grittiness, as well as a fanciful, otherworldly, abstract quality. I'll let them explain:

“I can’t explain it with intellectual reasoning—I can just say it was important to me,” Abrams says. “Even though some people may think we went over the top with flares, I just loved that they made it feel like there was always something spectacular going on off-camera, as well as what was happening on-camera. It reminded me of the feeling I would get watching NASA footage. It might be a distraction to some people, and I apologize to them, but I loved that feeling that this was a more natural future, rather than a [stereotypical sci-fi] shiny future.”
Mindel says the approach required an attitude adjustment on the part of the camera crew. “We have been spending the last 20 to 30 years trying to take flares out,” he says. “Here, we loved the way the anamorphic lenses flare naturally, and we were told to let them happen and we even put them in when they weren’t there. Other space movies have that non-believable aspect of being photographically sterile, and they rarely allow the idiosyncratic nature of light and movement into the arena, which gives you a kind of homogenized movie. We were eager to make sure that did not happen here. We felt a degree of believability comes with the idiosyncrasies that we allowed onto the film—those aberrations on the lenses, flaring, and even a little misframing or accidents. Often, it’s accidents that go on to make up the great pieces of movie art. We felt that by allowing flares in, we would get an organic infringement into the sterile frame—adding a bit of imperfection, a degree of reality.
“We developed an interesting, low-tech technique for it. We had two guys with flashlights flaring the lens constantly. There is a real expertise to it. The hardest thing about the technique was how to keep the lamp operators out of frame since they had to play very close to the lens. The trickery comes from knowing how to flare the lens and hide behind the flare."

ILM Sequence Supervisor Todd Vaziri was responsible for developing the artificial lens-flare software system, which the company dubbed SunSpot. The system essentially combines off-the-shelf software, certain proprietary ILM tools, photographed elements, and several custom paint elements to painstakingly match the flares captured on the negative.
“The technique gives compositors instant, highly realistic anamorphic lens flares for our all-CG shots that are indistinguishable from real, practical flares shots by the first unit,” Guyett says. “We used it to create flares for a variety of purposes such as spotlights on the exterior of the Enterprise, lights on synthetic set extensions, the Vulcan sun, and a dwarf star featured in the film’s prologue.”