Post Magazine recently published
a nice little video, giving audiences a brief glimpse into the work that Industrial Light & Magic created for "Star Trek"'s space jump sequence. The video includes some breakdowns of ILM shots, and features our visual effects supervisor Roger Guyett, our associate supervisor Eddie Pasquarello, and our animation director Paul Kavanaugh.

I was thrilled to contribute to a few key shots in this exciting sequence. The work was brilliantly sequence supervised by Jay Cooper and Francois Lambert.
Go watch
the video! Now! (Wouldn't this video look great on a website, like, say, oh,
Nice, Todd.
And you raise a valid point, that perhaps you might be able to answer.
Why is the official website so...'lacking'? I mean, it's only like 2 years behind in its updates. I would've thought that ILM's site would be riddled with 'making-of' videos, links, interviews, filmographies, etc., etc., etc., but it doesn't seem to be so informative. Not to diss ILM, that is, seeing as how they are indeed very busy. Just a question. :)
TylerMirage, I've been asking the same thing. They should get Malducin of to maintain their page, although he seems to be pretty busy, as well.
I mean, I understand the ILM is in the film visual effects biz, and not the 'keeping our site up-to-date for fans' industry, and is always very busy, but visual effects fanatics who love ILM would also LOVE to see an updated site!
I agree with you, vfxfan (about the And that begs the question, 'Why spend time maintaining two seperate sites striving for the same thing, when they could combine forces and create an ultra-super-heavy-duty-awesome-ILM site!?'
Todd, you should be writing this down! ;)
Oh, and I can't seem to get the video to show. I have the audio, but there's no picture to go along with it. Oh well. :)
This was porbably my very favorite fun fx sequence of the entire year. I know alot was done on-set with mirrors too, but it all blended together so well. Fantastic stuff.
I met Roger in Turin few months ago, a really nice guy!
Star Trek's vfx were absolutly great!
The only flaw with "Star Trek" were certain aspects of the art direction -- i.e. the Budweiser brewery for the engine room. It looked like a brewery when I first saw it, and it turned out I was right.
I loved the placing of real world locations in the film. yeah, they probably could've modified it a little, but hey.........
.....BEER in Space!
What's wrong with that?
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